Selforganisation – online Training Day Workshop
Can self-organisation as a form of organisation be a driver of social change? And how do employees who work in self-organised companies or organisations fare? Last November we ran an exciting online workshop with FEPS Europe - Foundation for European Progressive Studies on these topics. Check it out!
All videos of the presentations can now be found under this link:
Call for participants
The Anny-Klawa-Morf Foundation, together with its partner, FEPS is delighted to present a call for participants for the online Training Day Workshop for Social Business.
Background: The idea of the Training Day workshop is to strengthen the understanding of the importance of social business and to share knowledge about challenges and opportunities for companies and employees working with self-organisation. You can find the whole programme here.
When: Tuesday, 22nd of November 2022, from 09.00 to 12.30 hrs.
Where: Online (Zoom Meeting)
What can you expect?
- New insights into research on alternative management models and the impact of self management on employees. More informations on the study you can find here.
- Hearing from organisations in Switzerland in this field: Speakers from three different companies and organisations that work in a self-organised way will give their insights:
- Seán Reid (Transformation Specialist PostFinance AG Switzerland)
- Diego Sánchez Vila (Consultant, 7 Generations, Switzerland)
- Vertreter*in von Fachstelle Kinderbetreuung Luzern, tbc
- Exchange on the challenges in the field of self-management and social business
Please apply using the form below. You will be informed about your participation afterwards.